
Support Composers this Holiday Season!


Dear friends of the Composers Alliance of San Antonio (CASA),

CASA is dedicated to the promotion and support of contemporary music in the San Antonio area.  We accomplish this with our concerts for young audiences (Made in SA series), through our music composed for regional ensembles, and by offering eclectic programs with major organizations in San Antonio.

This season please consider making a year-end gift to CASA to help support a concert, a new musical work, or our outreach programs.

CASA is a small 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and our activities cover only a small portion of our costs. Every dollar counts so any amount is greatly appreciated, and your contributions will be tax-deductible.


The link below will take you to our CASA donation/support page, where you can easily donate through our Square account.

Donate now

Thank you for your support and Happy Holidays!


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The Voice of New Music in San Antonio